TRS2 Tool Recognition System

For high-speed non-contact tool breakage detection of solid tools on all sizes of vertical and horizontal machining centres, all gantry machining centres and multi-tasking machines.
A system for non-contact broken tool detection of solid-centred cutting tools, the TRS2 can be used on a variety of machine tools. The unique ToolWise tool-recognition electronics determine whether a tool is present by analysing the reflective light pattern from the rotating tool. Random light patterns created by coolant and swarf are ignored, reducing the chance of failing to detect a broken tool due to coolant obscuring the beam. The single unit can be mounted outside the working environment, saving valuable space on the table.
- Cost-effective, fast and reliable.
- The latest ToolWise tool-recognition technology.
- Ultra-quick detection: typically the tool spends approximately one to two seconds in the laser beam.